PTAA House Competition Fall Food Drive (Ends)


Non-perishable food donations for the North Texas Food Bank will be accepted starting 10/28 in front of the library. Students, be sure to donate to your House's box (Altruismo, Amistad, Reveur, or Isibindi) — the wining house will earn a free dress day! The competition ends Thursday, 11/17— NOTE the extended deadline.


Who does the North Texas Food Bank serve? Our neighbors! Please be generous if you can.


Due to a lack of response, the Fall Potluck has been cancelled for this year. Please plan to come out to the Dine & Donate at Cane Rosso instead on Wednesday, 11/16!


Fall Potluck and Food Drive 

PTAA ND Library
Thursday, November 17, 2022 12:00pm